Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Beneath the Surface

Cookey's Mechanical...if it goes through a pipe, we do it."

Radio ad heard during a JUCO broadcast

Denver - I'm here to take part in something you don't necessarily do every week. I'll talk more about it afterward, but back in February I took the online contestant test for Jeopardy, and earlier this month was invited here to audition for the show. The second step, sort of. If I do well here I'll be placed in the contestant pool for a year.

Four co-workers stepped forward to cover my shift so I could be here today. My sincere thanks to them.

Microsoft unveiled a new product this week, and does it look cool. Obscure reference department: If I get one, I'll be reviewing the data with this baby after I get a redball and before consulting the pre-cogs .

JUCO has been very well-attended this year (gas prices affecting out of town travel?), but the product placement has gotten ridiculous. Considering the volume of advertising being thrust at people during the tournament broadcasts, some corners may have been cut in the screening-for-double entendre department, witness the example above. If I have to hear another business name inserted into the descriptive account of the event, I'm shutting off the radio.

Next on the Gene Taylor's, Home of The Cage schedule, I'm getting dressed and having breakfast.

Wish me luck today.

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