Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday Rambling

This past week has been a busy one, and it doesn't look to let up until next weekend (maybe).
I changed shifts at work to steady overnight shifts instead of two nights and two evenings, which after a year were wearing me out. The results after one week seem to be promising.

It's not the shift itself that is challenging, but the daytime obligations that coincide with work days, and require 4-hour naps or staying up after work to accomplish.

Most of this relates to health care related issues. My wife had her quarterly round of CT and MRI scans this week, with follow-up doctor visits and blood work. A good book or a few newspapers is proper preparedness for this, as some of the waiting is lengthy. I also keep a running journal and documentation of scan reports, changes in medications, additional diagnoses, etc., that I review before appointments so that I'm asking the right questions and know what is going on.

This week I'll be updating the Yahoo group that I created to keep friends and family apprised of Jan's progress through treatment and other things, along with accompanying her to at least three additional appointments during the daylight hours. Sleeping periods will be inconsistent, transient, and much welcome. If I get a few spare minutes I'll post something I've been working on that is timely.

Have a good week.

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